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Can we store php variable in javascript?

Hey guys,

Today, We will see how to store php variable in javascript. Is this possible?

The answer is yes. 

 Scenario 1: If value to be stored is an integer



 echo "<script> a=" . $value . ";  console.log(a); </script>"; 


Explanation for Integer value:

1. We have to store an integer value in php variable "$value".

2. We have to keep javascript code inside a string.

3. Now assign "$value" to javascript variable "a" using this syntax " . $value . "

4. Output the javascript variable "a" in console .

Scenario 2: If value to be stored is a string



 echo "<script> a=' " . $value . " ' ; console.log(a); </script>"; 


Explanation for String value:

1. It is similar to the first one, But only difference is, we will be keeping apostrophe ( ' ) before and after php variable "$value" using this syntax ' " . $value . " '

Scenario 3: If value to be stored is an array



 $js_array_struct=implode("," , $value);

 echo "<script> a=[" . $js_array_struct . "];  console.log(a[0]); </script>"; 


Explanation for Array value:

1.Store array of values in php variable "$value".

2.To form the javascript array structure, convert that array into string with separated by commas using implode function, store the value in "$js_array_struct".

3.Now assign "$js_array_struct" to javascript variable "a" using this syntax  [" . $js_array_struct . "]

4.Output the first value of javascript array "a" in console.

Hope this finds helpful, Please do comment, if you have any doubts or facing problems in javascript or html, css, php, mysql.



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